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Meet us at Havexpo in Straume 6-8 May!

We at StS-ISONOR will participate here with a stand in Hall A.

Havexpo is a new international fair for Norwegian aquaculture and fisheries. HavExpo is one of Norway's largest fairs for equipment, services, research and management within aquaculture and fisheries. At the fair, we meet up to 350 exhibitors who present the latest in technology, research and management, in addition to being able to participate in a number of topical seminars - and not least meeting people from the entire industry!

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We at StS-ISONOR will participate here with a stand in Hall A. With solid experience from offshore projects, we have built up a unique expertise that makes us particularly well equipped to tackle challenges within aquaculture and the maritime industry.

Vår ekspertise strekker seg sømløst fra det krevende offshore-miljøet til de spesifikke kravene og kompleksitetene som kjennetegner prosjekter innen akvakultur. Dette legger grunnlaget for en målrettet tilnærming og pålitelig leveranse innenfor denne viktige sektoren.

Møt oss på stand A-131 i hall A-

Vi gleder oss!

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